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My Goals for SRL

My goal for SRL is to create a resource that allows part-time instructors to teach students at the junior or intermediate levels the basic concepts of SRL in an easy way so that the students have a chance to learn about the concept of Self-Regulated Learning, and can begin applying this skill at a younger age. I will share resources related to this concept along the way.

Personal Inquiry Importance:

- SRL Strategies would have benefitted me in my earlier career as a FT student in HS & Uni. While earlier I may have come across the terms Self-Regulated Learning, I was never aware of the tools, and strategies that I am coming across the more I am reading about SRL. In retrospect, my younger self would have benefitted a lot from just being taught these strategies in at least a workshop, which I never got. A lot of my learning strategies were trial and error, often coming from either a big success or a big failure in terms of a test, about what type of studying worked or what did not, and more often I would just increase the amount of time I studied, not the "way" I studied.

- I also want to apply some of the SRL strategies such as time blocking and scheduling, to my current inquiry coursework

Educational Inquiry

- From my work in non-profit, a lot of students simply have not learned anything about SRL, and if provided simple resources and strategies that they can use in their everyday studies, would benefit in terms of educational achievement given the right motivation factors (i.e. a willingness to learn the SRL strategies and apply them over a period of time)

Proximal Goals:

1) Develop an outline of the SRL Strategies for Youth & Educators Resource and Reflect on my learnings of SRL by incorporating SRL into my own work by developing a checklist of my tools used in my own SRL (such as Google notifications, time scheduling, seeking help).

2) Conduct research online at Queens U library ( ) to collect resources about SRL with references in APA format

3) Condense and summarize and re-write all research to be used in developing the resource with references in APA format

4) Develop the draft of the SRL Strategies for Youth and Educators - include POWTOON, BLOG, and interactive resources

5) Develop E-portfolio and upload related 800 work to it, and publish online on blog / eportfolio

6) Continue with work as scheduled and document any problems in the professional context

Distal Goals:

1) Follow-up with ILEAD boardmember about setting up workshop in community center for youth: present the outline and draft of the guide

2) Monitor the success of my goals and develop a google docs / survey monkey "Evaluation & Feedback Survey" to be completed by participants post-workshop

3) Present the workshop (Fall)

4) Gather feedback and make changes as needed.

Who Am I?

Graduate student in Master of Education program at Queens University, with a degree in Computer engineering from McMaster University, I have work experience in finance, procurement, and non-profits administration and instruction.

For your own workshop on Self-Regulated Learning or Collaboration in Non-Profits, contact me today! 

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